The code below example of DNS client uses the http2 module to connect to the DNS server (CloudFlare) for the hostname google.com.

The response from the server is a JSON object, which is parsed and logged to the console. The addresses contained in the "Answer" section of the response are logged as the result.

const http2 = require('http2');
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const { URL } = require('url');

const dnsServer = '';
const hostname = 'google.com';
const type = 'A';
const caBundle = fs.readFileSync('path/to/ca-bundle.pem');

const dnsUrl = new URL(`https://${dnsServer}/dns-query?name=${hostname}&type=${type}`);
const nonce = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');

const options = {
  host: dnsUrl.host,
  path: dnsUrl.pathname + dnsUrl.search + `&nonce=${nonce}`,
  ca: caBundle,
  rejectUnauthorized: true,

const client = http2.connect(`https://${dnsUrl.host}`, options);

client.on('error', (err) => console.error(err));

const req = client.request({
  ':path': options.path,
  'accept': 'application/dns-json',

let rawData = '';
req.on('data', (chunk) => { rawData += chunk; });
req.on('end', () => {
  try {
    const response = JSON.parse(rawData);
    const answer = response.Answer;
    const addresses = answer.map((a) => a.data);
    console.log(`Addresses for ${hostname}: ${addresses}`);
  } catch (e) {

Note: the CA bundle for certificate verification, and the nonce for security.

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